Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library

Mission Statement

The Friends of the T. B. Scott Library organization is a volunteer organization established to support the Merrill public library in developing its facilities and services for the community, to encourage gifts and bequests to the library, and to stimulate support and use of the library. We promote knowledge of the function, services, resources and needs of the library – all the while enjoying the fellowship of the Library Friends.


Please print out the Membership Brochure from home, or visit the library for an application.


Monthly in the Board Room. Open to the public. See the Library Events Calendar for exact dates.

Book Sale

The Friends organization runs an ongoing, paperback-only, sale in the atrium of the library. Usually there is a special book sale twice a year. Dates are advertised beforehand by the Friends .

Book Material Donation Guidelines

Clean, gently used hardcover & paperback books except:

  • NO high school/college textbooks
  • NO encyclopedias
  • NO smelly/musty books

Plus videos & cassette tapes (originals only), music CDs and commercially produced DVDs as well as books on cassette or CD, puzzles – clean & complete, craft magazines.

Promotion to join Friends of the Library


President: Denise Latzig
Vice-President: Pamela Bjorklund
Treasurer: Lori Anderson-Malm
Secretary: Deborah Schleif

Board Members/Committee Chairpersons:

Book Sales: Ranndy Markewycz & Barb Adams
Library Liaison: Laurie Ollhoff
Membership: Denise Latzig
Members at Large: Lynn Muhvich & Maryann Gretenhardt