Community ArtShare
T. B. Scott Library’s Community ArtShare program originated in 2006 with a $10,000 grant from the Mead Witter Foundation, Inc. with which secure display cases, easels, and other items were procured that have enabled the library to become a place for local artists and collectors to display their creations and hobbies. Displays featuring one or more artists or collectors are featured each month on an ongoing basis.
Precious Memories
March 2025
The T. B. Scott Free Library is excited to present the Beyond Books: Community ArtShare Exhibition. For the month of March only, enjoy Precious Memories owned by Laurie Ollhoff.
This is a collection of Precious Moments dolls and figurines. Laurie became a charter member of the Precious Moments Club in 1981 and actively collected figurines and more into the 21st century. Many of the pieces were gifts from family and friends to celebrate special moments in her life. While the display is only a mere glimpse of Laurie’s 300+ piece collection, it focuses on the annual club figurines she receives each year, some special musical figurines, and a few of her favorites.
A spreadsheet listing of all the figurines in her collection is available for individuals to view if interested in adding a piece to your collection or for a gift to that special someone. Stop in the Carnegie Wing and take a peek into Laurie’s Precious Memories world.
Past Exhibits
- Artspirations – Debbie Zimmerman
- The Beauty of Fabric: Wall Quilts & Vintage Ties – Peter & Dian Ritter
- Precious Pet Portraits – Peggy McDowell
- Emily’s Journey – Emily Lau
- A Look in a Book – Saint John 5th Graders
- LEGO! LEGO! LEGO! – Tim & Dawn Dunbar
- Cultural Threads: Expressing Identity Through Traditional Clothing – Mosaic of North Central Wisconsin
- A Sleigh of Santas and Wild for Christmas Cards – Joan Pregler & Ann Ruder
- It’s all about perspective! – Chase Davis
- Fish Out of Water – Arnie Plamann
- Treasured Book Boxes – St. John School 5th and 6th graders
- Homemade Art – Local Homeschooled Children
- Wait, that’s LEGO too? – Tim and Dawn Dunbar
- Tena’s Kitchen Collectables – Tena Gnewuch
- Into the Fold: Origami – Troy Hanson
- Baskets Galore and More by Cindy Leskey
- Merrill Memorabilia – Leidiger Brewing Company
- Wait, That’s LEGO? – Tim & Dawn Dunbar
- Fins and Feathers of the Northwoods – Bill Pittman
- Rocks, Canvas, and Coasters, Oh My! – Tom Lambrecht
- MAPS High School Seniors Students’ Art Exhibit
- Conversations with God artwork by Ann M. Jaroski
- Borzoi: The Hounds of Russia from the Private Collection of Resolute Farms
- Nautical Instruments from the Private Collection of Carl Weinert
- MAPS High School Seniors Students’ Art Exhibit
- Working Warriors: Military Life Beyond Combat – provided courtesy of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum
- Buttons: Advent, Christmas, Bingo and More! from the Private Collection of Kathleen Marquardt
- “Wire & Found Object” Sculptures by David Jones
- Photography of Tom Algire
- For the Love of Snoopy: Private Collection
- MAPS High School Seniors Students’ Art Exhibit
- Pocket Watches: Robbie Johnson
- Breyer Model Horses: Esther Trostle
- Wisconsin Remembers Traveling Exhibit
- Origami Creations: Troy Hanson
- Universal Creations: Xoché Heller
- Mini Art Fair: Local Artists
- MAPS High School Senior Students’ Art Exhibit
- Portraits of Personalities: David L. Sladky